Monday, December 15, 2008

Ally Chat

Okay, so this evening, Ally Carter (one of my favorite authors!) had her first ever ALLY CHAT! I was lucky enough to attend and talk to her and Alan Gratz, though it was briefly. Unfortunately, I'd made plans with friends and couldn't stay the whole time, but my friends and I had fun :)

Point is, Alan Gratz wrote an amazing book (so I'm told) entitled "Something Rotten" which I looked in 2 different bookstores for, but to no avail. So, Alan told us during the chat to try Books-a-Million because they've been so helpful in promoting his book. I did, and they had ONE copy. Of course I bought it, so now they probably have to replace the copy that was on the shelf, but hey, that's their job. Anyway, Alan and Ally are hosting another Ally Chat on Dec. 30th, which I hope to be at, to discuss "Something Rotten". I bet you can tell what's coming next... *waits for answer*... you're right! I'm going to review the book right here! I'm excited because it's my first review (though I will be reviewing Ally's GG books as well as the "Twilight" series soon) and I get to talk to the author afterwards and get his input on what's really going down. So stay tuned for that!

In other news, my mother and I are putting together her retail catalog again. Another holiday spent PNGing pictures on a computer all day long... joy...

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